The Honda V4 Sabres.

The 85 Honda Sabres

85 VF700 Sabre & 85 VF1100 V65 Sabre

Honda's Classics: Honda V65 Sabre

Honda Sabres were built from 1982 to 1985. The three models were: the V45(750cc - '82 thru '85), 700 (700cc for U.S. models for '84 & '85) and the V65 (1100cc - '84 & '85). The same basic engines were also used in the Honda Magnas of the same displacements. If you want to read more about the Sabres & Magnas, and the people that ride them, go to:, or the BBS; , a link to Robert's web page in Sweden: and an excellent site of all of the V4 brochures and specs!:


The Sabres, came in the following colors: 

1982 & 1983; V45 Sabres:   Black:

83 Sabre

or Red:

 83 Sabre

'83 V45 Sabre

1984 VF700S & V65 Sabres: Black, Silver & Red stripe:

84 V65 Sabre


or Black, Maroon & Silver stripe

84V65Sabre-Darkersides3.jpg (254670 bytes)


1985 VF700S & V65 Sabres: Black, Silver & Red stripe (Notice the difference in the Silver of the 85 and the 84 in the picture above.)

My 85 V45 Sabre


or Black, Silver & Blue stripe.

85 V65 Sabre


Cut away of a V4 engine from a '82 Sabre

  V4Enginecut.jpg (69826 bytes)

'82 V45 Sabre disassembled. European model, notice the paint scheme.

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And YES, the rear exhaust pipes are backwards..;-)


The Harley Tariff

In 1983, Harley had bought back the company from AMF a year or two before, and was struggling against the Japanese imports. So, President Reagan signed a five year tariff for them. The tariff was to try and slow down the import of larger motorcycles into the US. So, any motorcycle not built in the US and was over 700cc was effected. So, the big 4 Japanese companies lowered 750cc motorcycles to 700ccs and started building many of their larger displacement motorcycles here in the States to get around as much of the tariff as possible. So, this is why you see 84, 85, 86 & 87 700cc motorcycles, instead of 750cc motorcycles. And you guessed it, the Sabres were caught up in the middle of that Tariff! 

I don't remember all the details of the Tariff, but that help "kickstart" the Harley craze/trends that we still see today (Pun intended). Before that, only the true red, white & blue died in the wool Harley bikers rode Harleys. Now, you see all kinds (dressed for the part of course) on Harleys.

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The '84 & '85 Baby Sabre US models were actually ruined because of it. If you doubt me, check out the '84 & '85 V45 Sabres in Canada.

85 V45 Sabre

Fine example of a '85 V45 Sabre from Canada

And BTW, a 700cc Sabre IS NOT a V45 Sabre. The 750cc V45s were 45 cubic inches, where as 700cc are around 42.5ci. That's why the '84 & '85 700 Sabres do not have the V45 on the side covers.  Two other little details is that the '84 & '85 700 Sabres did not have the instrument pod, nor the same handlebars that the '82 & '83s had, but the '84 & '85 Canadian V45 Sabres had the same pod along with the same handlebars. (Note those items on the bike in the picture above) And the prices between the 4 years pretty much stayed the same. Go figure! )-:

   To see Sabre Accessories and Pictures:


Sabre Accessories Sabres on the Internet
Sabre Accessories  Pictures of Sabres